The world is less colourful with the passing in 2022 at the venerable age of 92, of our good friend and mentor Dr Karl Schutz.
He will be missed, but he will not be forgotten, and we can not thank him enough to express how grateful GMA and GMC are to him, he has made such a huge impact on so many cities, communities, and individual life’s, in Canada and abroad.
He was an inspiration; his passion will continue to make a difference in the world, he will keep on living through us, and we will keep on painting the world to spread joy and love in is honour.
He as shown to many; that we don’t always have to be strong or young, that we are all capable of anything when we set our mind to it. He inspired to be the best version of oneself, we all should strive to have his energy and passion that he exemplifies so much.
The sadness of having lost this loved one cannot overshadow the privilege of having known him. My sincere condolences to his family, friends and to the GMA community.
It truly was a privilege to have known him and to call him a friend!
Thank you Karl from all of us around the globe; thank you, vielen dank, لك شك ًرا, ধন্যবাদ, eskerrik asko, hvala, 多謝,gràcies, 谢谢, tak, gracias, धन्यवाद, go raibh maith agat, ngā mihi, bedankt, dziękuję, cпасибо, dakujeme, merci…

News article about Karl Schutz